Speedy Sticks Leads The Charge For At-Home, Mobile Medical Services In New York

  • Post published:May 24, 2021
  • Post category:Blog

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States in March of 2020, the medical community struggled to find its footing. Between inaccessible testing, the closing doors of urgent cares, and overwhelmed medical systems, many patients found themselves without access to reliable care. Speedy Sticks, founded by Dr. Carlos Barrera, Dr. Jeremy Jacob, and Daniel Buitrago, was created to address this issue. While COVID-19 saw an urgent, time-sensitive need for care and testing facilities, many patients felt uncomfortable leaving the home.…

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Speedy Sticks: A Rising Business in the Pandemic

  • Post published:May 21, 2021
  • Post category:Blog

Though many small businesses have been hard hit with COVID-19, some medical start-ups are rising to the occasion and caring for their communities. Nearly 50% of businesses had reported they closed temporarily during the prolonged quarantine with many never reopening. This economic downturn also came with a spike in coronavirus cases which the US logistical testing response remained unable to handle effectively and safely. Sensing the great need for convenient testing in their own community of New York, Dr. Jeremy…

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