Swedish Massage VS Deep Tissue Massage: Which is for you?


Swedish massage vs deep tissue massage is a question confronting many people as they book an appointment, like the one here at Speedy Sticks. But the question is a deeper one about what they hope to get out of their massage since each type feels different, comes with different degrees of intensity, and has varying medicinal benefits.

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COVID vs Flu: Everything You Need to Know

COVID vs Flu: Everything You Need to Know

The viruses responsible for COVID-19 and common influenza (the flu) are similar in many ways. They are both respiratory illnesses, contagious when airborne, and have overlapping symptoms. However, since different viruses cause these illnesses, they differ in a few ways. The question of COVID vs flu is one many people have asked over the last two years, both for their safety and the safety of those around them.

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