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Uncover the Shocking Truth: Can You Test A Hair for Drugs?

  • Post published:June 13, 2023
  • Post category:Blog


When it comes to drug testing, various methods are employed to detect the presence of drugs in an individual’s system. One method that has gained attention is hair drug testing. Hair follicle analysis can provide valuable insights into an individual’s drug use history, as substances can be detected in hair for a longer period compared to other testing methods. In this article, we will delve into the process of testing hair for drugs, its accuracy, and its applications in different settings

Understanding Hair Drug Testing

Hair drug testing is a method that analyzes a small sample of hair to determine if an individual has used drugs. This type of testing is based on the principle that when drugs are ingested, metabolites are deposited into the hair follicle through the bloodstream. As the hair grows, these metabolites become trapped within the hair shaft, providing a historical record of drug use.

How Hair Drug Testing Works

Hair drug testing involves collecting a small sample of hair from the individual being tested. The sample is usually taken from the scalp, but it can also be collected from other areas of the body. The hair is then sent to a laboratory where it undergoes a series of tests to detect the presence of drugs and their metabolites.

In the laboratory, the hair sample is washed to remove any external contamination. The sample is then cut into small sections, and the drugs are extracted using specialized solvents. The extracted substances are then subjected to various analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), to identify the specific drugs present.

Where to get Tested?

Say Goodbye To Waiting Rooms And Long Lines. Speedy Sticks offers at-home testing

What Drugs Can Be Detected?

Hair drug testing can detect a wide range of drugs, including but not limited to:

  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates (such as heroin and morphine)
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamine
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)

The Process of Hair Drug Testing

Collection of Hair Sample

To conduct a hair drug test, a small sample of hair is collected from the individual. Typically, the sample is taken from the back of the head, close to the scalp, and is cut as close to the scalp as possible. The collected hair is then securely packaged to prevent contamination or tampering.

Laboratory Analysis

The hair sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, the sample undergoes a series of tests to identify the presence of drugs. Advanced techniques like immunoassay screening and confirmatory tests such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) are employed to achieve accurate results.

Factors Affecting Hair Drug Test Results

Several factors can influence the accuracy and interpretation of hair drug test results. These factors include:

  • Length of hair: Longer hair provides a longer detection window.
  • Drug usage patterns: Heavy or chronic drug use may result in higher drug concentrations in the hair.
  • Hair treatments: Certain hair treatments or chemical processes may affect the test results.
  • Environmental exposure: External exposure to drugs, such as secondhand smoke, may lead to false positives.

Accuracy and Reliability of Hair Drug Testing

Detection Window

Hair drug testing has a significantly longer detection window compared to urine or blood tests. While urine and blood tests can typically detect drug use within a few days to a week, hair drug testing can detect drug use for up to 90 days or even longer, depending on the length of the hair sample.

False Positives and False Negatives

Hair drug testing is generally considered reliable, but like any testing method, it is not infallible. False positives can occur due to external contamination or the presence of certain substances that mimic drug compounds. False negatives can occur if the drug concentration is below the detection limit or if the hair sample is too short.

External Contamination and Mitigation

External contamination is a concern in hair drug testing, as drugs can be present on the surface of the hair. To mitigate this risk, laboratories employ rigorous washing procedures and conduct additional tests to distinguish external contamination from actual drug use.

Applications of Hair Drug Testing

Workplace Drug Testing

Many employers use hair drug testing as part of their pre-employment screening or random drug testing programs. Hair drug testing provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s drug use history, making it a valuable tool for maintaining a drug-free workplace.

Forensic Investigations

Hair drug testing plays a crucial role in forensic investigations. It can provide evidence of drug use in criminal cases, such as driving under the influence (DUI) or child custody disputes where substance abuse is a concern. The historical data provided by hair drug testing can aid in establishing patterns of drug use.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Hair drug testing is utilized in substance abuse treatment programs to monitor individuals in recovery. Regular testing can help confirm abstinence from drugs and assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment plan. It also acts as a deterrent to relapse.

Privacy and Legal Considerations

Consent and Privacy Rights

In most cases, individuals are required to provide consent before undergoing a hair drug test. Privacy rights should be respected, and the testing process should comply with legal and ethical standards to ensure the protection of personal information.

Legal Acceptance of Hair Drug Testing

The acceptance and admissibility of hair drug testing results in legal proceedings vary by jurisdiction. It is essential to understand the legal landscape and the specific requirements set forth by relevant authorities.

Advantages of Hair Drug Testing

  • Extended detection window
  • Provides historical data of drug use
  • Difficult to cheat or manipulate
  • Non-invasive collection method

Limitations of Hair Drug Testing

  • Higher cost compared to other testing methods
  • Limited detection window for recent drug use
  • External contamination concerns
  • Lack of standardized cutoff levels

Alternatives to Hair Drug Testing

While hair drug testing has its advantages, there are alternative testing methods available. Urine tests are commonly used due to their cost-effectiveness and shorter detection window. Blood tests are more invasive but provide a more immediate indication of drug use. Saliva tests are gaining popularity as they are non-invasive, easy to administer, and can detect recent drug use.


Can hair drug testing determine the exact date of drug use?

Hair drug testing cannot determine the exact date of drug use. It provides an approximation based on the length of the hair sample and the growth rate of the hair.

How far back can hair drug testing detect drug use?

Hair drug testing can detect drug use for up to 90 days or longer, depending on the length of the hair sample.

Can external factors such as hair products affect the results of a hair drug test?

Certain hair products or treatments may affect the test results, but laboratories have protocols in place to minimize such interference.

Is hair drug testing more accurate than urine or blood tests?

Hair drug testing has a longer detection window compared to urine or blood tests, making it advantageous in certain situations. However, each testing method has its own strengths and limitations.

Can hair drug testing be cheated or manipulated?

Hair drug testing is difficult to cheat or manipulate compared to other testing methods. Attempts to tamper with the results are easily detectable during the laboratory analysis process.


Hair drug testing offers a unique perspective on an individual’s drug use history due to its longer detection window. It is a valuable tool in various settings, including workplaces, forensic investigations, and substance abuse treatment programs. While there are factors that can affect its accuracy, stringent laboratory protocols and proper interpretation of results help ensure reliable outcomes. Understanding the applications, limitations, and legal considerations surrounding hair drug testing is crucial for informed decision-making.