ABO Rh Blood Test

The ABO Rh blood test is a blood typing test that determines a person’s blood group and Rh factor. There are four major blood groups: A, B, AB, and O, and the Rh factor is either positive (+) or negative (-).

The test involves taking a blood sample and then testing it with anti-A and anti-B antibodies to determine the person’s ABO blood group. Another test is then conducted using anti-Rh antibodies to determine whether the person’s blood is Rh-positive or Rh-negative.

The ABO Rh blood test is important for a variety of reasons, including blood transfusions and organ transplants. People with certain blood groups can only receive blood from donors with compatible blood types, and the Rh factor must also match. For example, a person with type A blood can only receive blood from donors with type A or O blood, and if they are Rh-negative, they can only receive blood from Rh-negative donors.

Additionally, the ABO Rh blood test is important for pregnant women, as incompatibility between the mother’s and fetus’s blood types can cause complications such as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

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